Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween Extravaganza

           Last Thursday was the annual S.T.A.R. Halloween Extravaganza.  In the Sullivan Cafe, spooky decorations covered the tables and walls.  There was an array of devilish treats like cookies shaped as fingers, lollipops that looked like ghosts, and cupcakes that were Halloween themed that were ready to be devoured by hungry zombies.  Mentors and buddies played several rounds of Halloween themed Bingo; eager to find out if they would have Bingo and win.  Prize bags were given out to the winners, but since everyone at S.T.A.R. is a winner, everyone else received goodie bags for playing.  

What did you dress up as for Halloween?
If you didn't, what would you have dressed up as?


  1. My buddy and I had such a fun time at the Halloween party. Halloween is mine as well as her favorite holiday, so it was a great experience to share with everybody.

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