Tuesday, March 26, 2013

S.T.A.R. Upcoming Event

Team Contest Night

Over the course of the Spring Semester, S.T.A.R. Coordinators have been creating new and exciting programs to introduce to our mentors and buddies. The next one of our upcoming events is one that we take great pride in because not only is it a fun social event, but something that we believe will be beneficial to all of the participants who join us for the night.

On Wednesday, April 10th from 5:30-7:30PM in Bent 277 S.T.A.R. will be hosting a Team Contest Night to test your knowledge of your craft as teachers. We will be playing rounds of Jeopardy focused on the things that as Education majors, everybody should know. 

Each Jeopardy board was created by a different S.T.A.R. Coordinator to focus on the key ideas and topics that we feel will help you to prepare for classes and even 
New York State Teaching Certification Exams 
that you may have coming up in the near future.

Not only will this be a night full of games and fun for all those who attend, but the winners of our night will receive prizes for their knowledge of both teaching and and content.

An email will be sent out by soestar12@gmail.com to remind you of this fantastic upcoming event. 

We hope to see you there.


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  3. I think this will be a really fun event and help contribute to everyone's knowledge about education!

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